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Blog articles from Karandeep Kaur


My teams are not UX designers, so why should they use Design Thinking?

January 9, 2020

There is a common misunderstanding that Design Thinking is about creating effective user interfaces. Why this can be part of what Design Thinking can be used for, it is only a small subset. Design Thinking is a process used by successful organization all over the work to help drive innovation and product development. Design Thinking focuses on working with customers to understand what motivated them, what problems they have, and how an organization can help solve these problems. Design thinking fo

Core Solution Architecture Methods

December 18, 2019

This chapter is adapted from Web Age course Solution Architect Training.3.1 Shared Vision Architecture is a team effort.  All stakeholders must collaborate for success.  A “shared vision” is a critical success factor.  The “shared vision” must be understood & embraced by all stakeholders.

Stakeholder Management

December 18, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Solution Architecture Training.4.1 Stakeholders Stakeholders are people with a vested interest in the system. They are the people who can tell us what is needed. They are the people who can tell us if what we are building is the right thing.  Stakeholders are people or things (e.g. other s

Data Science and ML Algorithms with PySpark

December 11, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Practical Machine Learning with Apache Spark.8.1 Types of Machine Learning There are three main types of machine learning (ML),  unsupervised learning,  supervised learning, and  reinforcement learning.  We will be learning only about the unsupervised and supervised learning types.8.2 Supervised vs U

Data Pipelines Overview- Kafka

December 2, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Confluent Kafka for System Administrators.1.1 Building Data Pipelines

How to Install and Configure Confluent Kafka?

December 2, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Confluent Kafka for System Administrators.1.1 Planning for Kafka – Platform Regarding OS Platforms for Confluent Platform Linux is the primary platform for deploying Confluent Kafka. macOS is supported for testing/development purposes. Windows is not a supported platform. Confluent Pla

Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks

November 25, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Practical Machine Learning with Apache Spark.6.1 Python Dev Tools and REPLs  In addition to the standard Python REPL, Python development is supported through these tools and systems: IPython,  Jupyter with Python kernel (runtime),  Visual Studio Code’s Python plug-in,  PySpark (integrated with Python RE

Data Visualization in Python using Matplotlib

November 25, 2019

7.1 What is Data Visualization?  The common wisdom states that seeing is believing and a picture is worth a thousand words.  Data visualization techniques help users understand the data, underlying trends and patterns by displaying it in a variety of graphical forms (heatmaps, scatter plots, charts, etc.) Data visualization is also a great vehicle for communicating analysis results to stakeholders.  Data visualization is an indispensable activity in exploratory data analysis (EDA). Business inte

Distributed Computing Concepts for Data Engineers

November 15, 2019

1.1 The Traditional Client–Server Processing Pattern It is good for small-to-medium data set sizes. Fetching 1TB worth of data might take longer than 1 hour.

What is Data Engineering?

November 15, 2019

1.1 Data is King Data is king and it outlives applications. Applications outlive integrations. Organizations striving to become data-driven need to institute efficient, intelligent, and robust ways for data processing. Data engineering addresses many of the aspects of this process.1.2 Translating Data into Operational and Business Insights

How to Create a Basic Single Page Application Using Angular Router?

November 8, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Introduction to Angular 8 Programming. In this tutorial, we will develop a very simple single page application (SPA) using the Angular Component Router module. The main goal will be to understand how routing works. We will keep the business logic very simple.Part 1 – Get

Introduction to Angular Material

November 1, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Comprehensive Angular 8 Programming.1.1  What is Material Design (MD)? Material Design is design language developed by Google. It was released in 2014 and incorporated into the Android OS. It is also available for other platforms (Angular, Web, iOS, Flutter, &#

PySpark Shell

October 17, 2019

1.1 What is Spark Shell? The Spark Shell offers interactive command-line environments forScala and Pythonusers.  SparkR Shell has only been thoroughly tested to work with Spark standalone so far and not all Hadoop distros available, and therefore is not covered here. The

Data Ingestion in AWS

October 16, 2019

Multipart UploadOverview The Multipart upload API enables you to upload large objects inparts.

Introduction to PySpark

October 16, 2019

1.1 What is Apache Spark? Apache Spark (Spark) is a general-purpose processing system forlarge- scaledata. Spark is effective for data processing of up to 100s of terabytes on

How to Describe RESTful APIs using RAML and Swagger?

October 2, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Api Management Fundamentals for Architects Training.1.1 Why to describe RESTful APIs? To make RESTful services useful, Service APIs must be described and published. Client need to be able to find API descriptions. APIs must be described in suffi

How to Create Python Environment in Cloud 9?

October 1, 2019

In this tutorial, you will set up an AWS Cloud9 development environment and run a Python script. Featured Upcoming Free Webinars!  Join our community of 80,000 IT professionals by register

React Hooks Application

September 17, 2019

In this tutorial, you will create a React application that uses React Hooks to manage state and handle activities. Please refer to the tutorial  Setting Up a React Environment to set up a development environment for React before you start working on this tutorial.Part 1 – React Development Environment F

Setting Up a React Development Environment

September 16, 2019

In this tutorial you will create a development setup that supports React development. The setup will take care of three essential issues: Transpiling ES6 code Transpiling JSX code Serving React Application files ( index.html, etc. ) Node.js and npm should have been installed on your machine

How to Create a Simple RESTful API in Spring Boot?

August 29, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Mastering Microservices with Spring Boot-and Spring Cloud. In this tutorial we’re going to build a simple “Hello World” API using Spring Framework and Spring Boot. The API will implement a single resource, “/hello-message” that returns a JSON object that contai

Introduction to Spring Boot

August 27, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Mastering Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.1.  What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot (https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot) is a project within the Spring IO Platform (https://s

Using AWS Lambda

August 19, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course AWS for Solution Architects. In this tutorial, you will work with the AWS Lambda service. You will create a Lambda function and attach it as a trigger script to a DynamoDB table to listen on for any inserts in the target table. Then, you will use the aws unified tool to insert a JSON-encoded document into the DynamoDB table. The tutorial will also illustrate how you can tweak service p

Getting Started with the EC2 Service

August 14, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course AWS for Solution Architects Training. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and manage the life cycle of an EC2 instance. We will also explore ways to connect to the newly created instance.Part 1 – Generating a Key Pair in the Management Console

Create Microservice Using AWS Lambda and Couchbase

August 9, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course  Developing Microservices Training. In this tutorial , you will build a web service that will be deployed as a AWS Lambda and will store data in a Couchbase bucket. Before you start this tutorial, you should know the basic mechanism for creating and deploying a Lambda . In this tutorial,  you will learn to: <

AWS Lambda

August 1, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course AWS for Solution Architects Training.1.1 What is AWS Lambda? AWS Lambda lets you run your code written in a number of supported languages in a PaaS-like environment with zero administration on your part. There is no EC2 instance needed to run your code. This arrangem

Using Prometheus for Monitoring

July 30, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Microservices Development Bootcamp with Immersive Project. In this tutorial, you will use Prometheus to monitor a Spring Boot application. You will configure the Spring Boot application to enable metrics gathering via Spring Boot Actuators and expose Prometheus endpoint. Then, you will run P

Using Jaegar for Tracing

July 30, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course Microservices Development Bootcamp with Immersive Project. In this tutorial, you will implement instrumentation using Jaegar. You will modify an existing Spring Boot application to add tracing to it.

Python for Data Science

July 25, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course  Applied Data Science with Python. This tutorial provides  quick overview of Python modules and high-power features, NumPy library, pandas library, SciPy library, scikit-learn library, Jupyter notebooks and Anaconda distribution.

Python with NumPy and pandas

July 24, 2019

This tutorial is adapted from Web Age course  Applied Data Science with Python. This tutorial aims at helping you refresh your knowledge of Python and show how Python integrates with NumPy and pandas libraries.Part 1 – Set up the Environment

The AWS Shared Responsibility Model

July 11, 2019

AWS is responsible for security “of” the cloud. Customers are responsible for security “in” the cloud. AWS is responsible for providing cloud-grade infrastructure, including Physical and Environmental Security, Redundant power supply, Data center access control, Storage device decommissioning controls, Network perimeter security. You are responsi

Getting Started With Eclipse

July 4, 2019

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Eclipse to write Java code.Part 1 – Start Eclipse and Explore the IDE Eclipse is a Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is a GUI-driven and tool-assisted program that we can use to develop Java code in an effective and efficient manner. While developing Java code does not necessarily require an IDE (all the exercises in this lab guide could be achieved by using a

Create a Jenkins Job

July 3, 2019

In this tutorial, you will create and build a job in Jenkins. Jenkins supports several different types of build jobs. The two most commonly-used are the freestyle builds and the Maven 2/3 builds. The freestyle projects allow you to configure just about any sort of build job, they are highly flexible and very configurable. The Maven 2/3 builds understand the Maven project structure, and can use this to let you set up Maven build jobs with less effort

Create a Jenkins Pipeline

July 3, 2019

In this tutorial, you will explore the Pipeline functionality. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: Create a simple pipeline Use a ‘Jenkinsfile’ in your project Use manual input steps in a pipelinePart 1 – Create a Simple Pipeline We can create a pipeline j

Version Control- Git

June 28, 2019

In this tutorial, you will learn to install, configure, and use Git on Linux.Part 1 – Launch terminal In this part you will launch the Linux terminal. 1. Open the Terminal window. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+T to access the terminal.Part 2 – Install Git 1. Update APT repo

Angular Communication With REST Services

June 26, 2019

The Angular HTTP client service provides the ability to interact with REST web services from Angular applications. It is a best practice to perform this interaction from a custom service instead of doing so from a component. In this tutorial you will implement various methods in a custom service that will provide data to a completed component to display this data. Once the methods of the service

Debugging Angular Applications

June 26, 2019

In this tutorial you will get hands-on experience with: Template parse errors Typescript code errors Accessing components at runtime with ng.probe() Breakpointing in Typescript code Before you start working on this tutorial, install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide

Angular- Template Driven Form

June 25, 2019

In this tutorial, we will explore basic form development. Before you start working on this tutorial, please install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide here. Most common tasks with form development are: Pre-populating form controls with data. For example, populate a text box and selec

Introduction to TypeScript

June 25, 2019

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript ES6. Its main contribution is to make ES6 strongly typed. The compiler can catch many type related problems. Strong typing also allows an editor to offer code completion, refactoring and code navigation. In this tutorial, we will get introduced to the type system of TypeScript. Before you start working on this tutorial, please install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide

Introduction to Angular

June 25, 2019

In this tutorial, we will build a Hello World style Angular component. The key focus is to learn how to install all the required software, create a very simple application and use it from a browser. We won’t get too deep into Angular at this point. Before you start working on this tutorial, please install the required software as mentioned in the Set Up Guide

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