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How to Create Python Environment in Cloud 9?

October 1, 2019 by Karandeep Kaur
Categories: AWS , Big Data

In this tutorial, you will set up an AWS Cloud9 development environment and run a Python script.

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10 Minute Guide

Part 1 – How to Log In to AWS Management Console?

1. Open your browser and sign in to the AWS Management Console.

2. Make sure you are in the right region.

Part 2 – How to Create an Environment?

In this part, you will use the AWS Cloud9 console to create and then open an AWS Cloud9 development environment.

1. Click Services and then click Cloud9 under Development Tools

2. If a welcome page is displayed, for New AWS Cloud9 environment, choose Create environment. Otherwise, choose Create environment.


3. On the Name environment screen, enter the following: (Note: Append your AWS login ID, for example s19, to the Name field)

Name: my python dev environment s19
Description: This environment is for the AWS Cloud9 tutorial

Note: It should look like this

4. Click Next step

5. On the Configure settings screen, use the default settings and click Next step

6. On the Review screen, click Create environment

Part 3 – How to Verify if Python is Installed?

In this part, you will verify Python is installed. If it’s not installed, you will install it.

  1. On the menu bar, click Window > New Terminalto open a terminal window.

  2. Run the following commands to verify Python is installed

    python2 --version
    python3 --version

    Verify your result looks like this:

    Python 2.7.14

    Python 3.6.5

    If python isn’t installed, run the following commands to install Python 2.7 and Python 3.6

    sudo yum -y update

    sudo yum install -y python27

    sudo yum install -y python36

Part 4 – How to Create a Python Runtime?

In this part, you will create a python runtime and configure it to use Python 3.6

1. Run the following command to find the version configured to be used with the python command

python --version

It should show 2.7.x

2. Ensure virtualenv is installed

virtualenv --version

3. Remove the alias configured with python command

unalias python

4. Obtain Python 3.6 location

which python36

5. Switch to the environments directory

cd ~/environment/

6. Create a new virtual environment and configure it to use Python 3.6

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python36 vpy36

7. In the virtual environment, switch to Python 3.6

source vpy36/bin/activate

8. Verify Python in the virtual environment is configured to use version 3.6

python --version

9. Deactivate the virtual environment


10. Re-create alias for Python

alias python=/usr/bin/python27

Part 5 – How to Create a Simple Python Program and Run it?

In this part, you will create a simple Python program and run it

1. Create a new file by click File > New File on the menu bar

2. In the editor, enter the following code

import sys print('Hello, World!') print('The sum of 2 and 3 is 5.') sum = int(sys.argv) + int(sys.argv) print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}.'.format(sys.argv, sys.argv, sum))

3. Save the file by click File > Save on the menu bar.

4. In the Save As dialog box, enter test.py as the file name and click Save button

5. Switch to the Terminal window. (If you don’t have terminal window open, click Window > New Terminal on the menu bar)

6. Run the following command to execute test.py

python test.py 5 6

Notice it shows the output like this:

Part 6 – How to Execute the Python Program using Run Configuration?

In this part, you will execute the test.py program using Run Configuration

1. On the menu bar, click Run > Run Configurations > New Run Configuration

2. In the Idle tab, click Runner: Auto and select Python 3

3. In the file explore, double click test.py to open the file in a tab

4. In – Idle tab, type the following in the Command field

test.py 5 6

5. In the – Idle tab, click Run to execute the program

Verify the result shows up like this:

Part 7 – Clean Up

In this part, you will close the tabs

1. In Cloud9 IDE, close all tabs

Part 8 – Review

In this tutorial, you created a AWS Cloud9 development environment and executed a Python script

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