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Mobile Ramblings

June 14, 2011 by Bibhas Bhattacharya
Category: Mobile Computing

iOS 5 update is around the corner. It borrows quite a few ideas from Android and closes the capability gap with that platform. Specifically, the notification center. Competition is good.

Google may be working on many cool new things. But if the updates are forever late to get rolled out to average users, then, what is the point? When I write this, Android 3.1 is out. But, bulk of the devices are running either 2.2 or 2.1.


Should the device manufacturers customize Android look and feel? My vote will be – No. That just delays further upgrade. HTC’s Sense layer has been applauded by the customers. Not so for Motorola’s MOTOBLUR. If anyone has any cool idea for improving the look and feel, please drive it into Android, folks.

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