SQL Server Training

SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system. Our SQL Server training courses teach learners how to create and manage databases, write queries, use stored procedures, use functions, work with large datasets, and more. These courses also prepare students for the SQL Server Microsoft certification exams.
Introduction to SQL Databases
Course ID: 55315
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

55315A is the equivalent of the retired MOC Course 10985C - Introduction to SQL Databases. The 55315A three-day instructor-led course is provided as an introductory class for anyone getting started with databases. It will be useful to programmers and other IT professionals whose job roles are expanding into database management. Students will learn fundamental database concepts through demonstrations and hands-on labs on SQL Server, Azure SQL Server and other cloud-based SQL Server databases.
SQL Server Integration Services
Course ID: 55321
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

SQL Server Integration Services is the equivalent of the retired MOC Course 20767CC - Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse. This five-day instructor-led course is intended for IT professionals who need to learn how to use SSIS to build, deploy, maintain, and secure Integration Services projects and packages, and to use SSIS to extract, transform, and load data to and from SQL Server.

This course is similar to the retired Course 20767-C: Implementing a SQL Data Warehouse but focuses more on building packages, rather than the entire data warehouse design and implementation.
Administering a SQL Database
Course ID: 55316
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

55316A is the Community Courseware equivalent of retired MOC Course 20764A - Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure.

The 55316A five-day instructor-led course will provide training in how to administer and maintain SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and other cloud-based SQL Server databases. IT professionals who work in environments where databases play a key role in their job will find this material useful. By using demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises, students will learn to carry out these important tasks.
Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure
Course ID: 55353
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

55353AC is the Community Courseware equivalent of retired MOC 20764CC - Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure.

This five-day instructor-led course provides students who administer and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to administer a SQL server database infrastructure. Additionally, it will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases
Writing Reports with Report Builder and SSRS Level 3
Course ID: 55236
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

In this 1-day course, students will continue their learning on report writing with Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder and SSRS. The focus of this course is enhancing custom report visualizations and the use of Visual Basic programming in SSRS reporting. Supporting Visual Basic programming in reports is a normal requirement in todays reporting landscape and this course presents the information you will need through course content, group discussions, worksheets, practices, demonstrations, and lab activities. Report Builder is available for all supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
Writing Reports with Report Designer and SSRS Level 3
Course ID: 55240
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

In this 1-day course, students will continue their learning on report writing with Microsoft SQL Server Report Designer and SSRS. The focus of this course is enhancing custom report visualizations and the use of Visual Basic programming in SSRS reporting. Supporting Visual Basic programming in reports is a normal requirement in todays reporting landscape and this course presents the information you will need through the course content, group discussions, worksheets, practices, demonstrations, and lab activities. Report Designer is available for all supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL Querying Fundamentals - Part 1
Course ID: 36071
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

In this course, students will compose SQL queries to retrieve desired information from a database.
SQL Querying Fundamentals - Part 2
Course ID: 36072
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

In this course, students will work with advanced queries to manipulate and index tables. Students will also create transactions so that you can choose to save or cancel data entry process.
Querying Microsoft SQL Server with Transact-SQL
Course ID: 55366
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

This five-day instructor-led course is intended for IT professionals who wish to use the Transact-SQL language to query and configure Microsoft SQL Server. Students are typically database developers and database administrators, but might also be Business Intelligence developers, report creators, or application developers. In this course, students learn how to query single tables, join data from multiple tables, filter and sort data, modify data, use procedures and functions, and implement error handling.
Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL
Course ID: DP-080T00
Delivery: On-Site or Instructor-led Virtual

This course will teach the basics of Microsoft's dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL. Topics include both querying and modifying data in relational databases that are hosted in Microsoft SQL Server-based database systems, including: Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and, Azure Synapse Analytics.