Advanced GitLab Administration Training
GitLab is a popular open DevOps platform delivered as a single application on-prem or in the cloud. This Advanced GitLab course goes beyond the basics and teaches attendees how to design Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines using GitLab.
Course Details
1 day
No prior knowledge is presumed.
Target Audience
- DevOps Administrators
- Software Developers
Skills Gained
- How to create projects in GitLab
- How to push and pull code using GitLab
- How to design CI/CD pipelines using GitLab
Course Outline
Chapter 1 - Introduction to GitLab CI/CD
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD)
- GitLab and CI/CD
- A Typical CI/CD Workflow
- Defining the CI/CD Pipeline
- The Anatomy of a Pipeline
- About Stages
- About Jobs
- Writing Scripts
- Script Setup and Cleanup
- Choosing the Container Image
- GitLab Runner
- Installing GitLab Runner
- Registering a Runner
- Starting a Pipeline
- Monitoring a Pipeline
- Summary
Chapter 2 - Advanced CI/CD using GitLab
- Using Variables
- Using Job Level Variables
- Defining Secure Variables
- Hidden Jobs
- Reusable Job Templates
- YAML Anchor
- Override Anchor Property
- Job Extension
- Predefined Variables
- Including a File
- Condition Rules
- Change Specific Jobs
- Using only and except
- Summary
Chapter 3 - Cloud Native High Availability of GitLab
- GitLab HA Basics
- Basic HA Architecture
- HA of GitLab Rails
- HA of Sidekique
- Use an External PostgreSQL
- Database Load Balancing
- Configure Redis HA
- Basic Steps to Use Redis Sentinel
- Summary
Lab Exercises
- Create a Project in GitLab
- Register a Runner
- Create a Basic CI/CD Pipeline
- Define the Build
- Stage
- Define the Test Stage
- Caching Pipeline Files
- Build Application Docker Image
Upcoming Course Dates