
Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer (ACE) Certification Bundle Training

This course will help participants interested in the GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Certification to orient themselves on the required topics and give them practical knowledge to start off on that learning path.

Course Details


5 days

Bundle Includes:

  • Google Cloud Primer
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals
  • Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine

Certification prep study aids included:

  • Unlimited access to twenty (20) hours of On-Demand Certification test prep videos
  • Certification Practice Exams
  • A half day instructor led ACE test prep session
Course Outline
  • Google Cloud Primer Training
    • Introduction to Cloud Computing
      • Cloud and Digital Transformation
      • What is Cloud Computing?
      • Validating Cloud's Value Proposition
      • Advantages of Cloud Computing
      • Coping with Computing Demand the Traditional Way
      • Coping with Computing Demand the Cloud Way
      • Cloud Multi-Tenancy Model
      • The NIST Perspective
      • Five Characteristics (NIST)
      • Cloud Service (Delivery) Models: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS
      • IaaS
      • PaaS
      • SaaS
      • The Need for a Cloud Reference Model
      • Cloud Reference Model
      • Cloud Service Type Comparison
      • Shared Responsibility Model
      • The Four Cloud Deployment Models (NIST)
      • The NIST Cloud Definition Framework
      • Cloud Compute Services
      • Cloud Market Growth and Segment Leaders
      • Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
    • Google Cloud Overview
      • What is Google Cloud?
      • Google Cloud circa 2021
      • What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?
      • Google Cloud Products (Services)
      • GCP at a Glance
      • What is a GCP Project?
      • Identifying a Project
      • Billing and Projects
      • Creating a Project in Cloud Console
      • Ways to Interact with Google Cloud
      • Cloud Shell
      • Location of the Cloud Shell Icon in the Cloud Console
      • The gcloud CLI Tool
      • Google Cloud Service Categories
      • Google Cloud Console Navigation Menu Options
      • Computing Options
      • Compute Capabilities
      • Storage and Databases
      • Networking
      • Points of Presence (POPs)
      • The Google Cloud POPs Locations
      • Big Data
      • Cloud AI
      • Management Tools
      • Identity & Security
      • IoT (the Internet of Things)
      • The API Platform
      • Other Cloud Provider Services Comparison Chart
      • Regions and Zones
      • Setting the Default Compute Zone Using gcloud
      • Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources
      • Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources Relationship Diagram
    • Identity and Access Management in GCP
      • What is Cloud Identity and Access Management ( IAM)?
      • Cloud Resource Hierarchy
      • Sample Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy
      • Cloud Identity
      • How IAM Works
      • Permission Management in IAM Diagram
      • Google Account vs Service Account
      • Google Groups
    • Google Compute Engine and Networking
      • What is Google Compute Engine?
      • Virtual Machine (VM) Instances
      • Instance Types
      • Understanding Machine Types
      • The VM Billing Model
      • VM Import
      • Automatic Instance Scaling
      • Networking
      • Google Cloud Networking at a Glance
      • Network Service Tiers
      • IP Addresses
      • Google Cloud Load Balancing
      • Servicing both IPv6 and IPv4 Clients Diagram
    • Google Cloud Platform Storage and Database Services
      • Storage and Databases
      • Cloud (Object) Storage
      • Key Concepts of the Cloud Storage
      • Cloud Storage Features
      • Cloud Storage Classes
      • Cloud Storage Object Encryption
      • Object Lifetime Management (OLM)
      • Cloud Storage Use Case: Integrated Repository for Analytics and Machine Learning
      • Cloud Bigtable
      • Bigtable Use Cases
      • BigQuery
      • BigQuery Data Source Integrations
      • Accessing BigQuery Console
      • BigQuery Use Case: Migrating Data from Teradata
      • Cloud SQL
      • Accessing the Cloud SQL Navigation Menu Option
      • Creating a MySQL Database Instance Dialog
      • Cloud Spanner
      • Datastore and Firestore
      • Firestore Features
    • Google Cloud Platform Container Services
      • What are Containers?
      • What are Containers For?
      • What are Container Services?
      • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
      • GKE Components
      • The Benefits of Using Kubernetes Clusters
      • The CLI Tools
      • What is Anthos?
      • Anthos Deployment Options
    • App Engine
      • What is Google App Engine?
      • Benefits of Using App Engine
      • App Engine Integrations
      • Sample Reference Architecture for a Typical App Engine Web App
      • App Engine Environments
      • Running Two Versions of the Same App Engine-Hosted App
      • Accessing Split Traffic in App Engine Dashboard
      • Configuring Traffic Splitting
      • Cloud Endpoints
      • Endpoint Architecture
      • Datastore and Firestore
      • Firestore Integration with App Engine
    • Deployment and Monitoring in GCP
      • Cloud Deployment Manager
      • Deployment Manager Core Components
      • Resources
      • Configuration Example
      • Instance Templates
      • Creating (Instantiating) a Deployment
      • Listing Deployments
      • Google Cloud Management Tools at a Glance
      • Accessing the Monitoring Workspace
      • Cloud Monitoring UI
      • Creating an Uptime Check
      • Monitoring Compute Engine VM
      • Using Terraform with Google Cloud
    • Big Data and Machine Learning in Google Cloud
      • What is Big Data?
      • The Big Data Confluence Diagram
      • Big Data in GCP
      • BigQuery
      • BigQuery Data Source Integrations
      • BigQuery Data Analytics Features
      • GCP's Machine Learning and AI Services
      • GCP's Machine Learning Tools and Support Services
    • Lab Exercises
      • Lab 1. A Tour of Qwiklabs and Google Cloud
      • Lab 2. Deploying Windows® Server in Compute Engine
      • Lab 3. Using Google cloud storage
      • Lab 4. Using BigQuery
  • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (WA3095)
    • Google Cloud Overview
      • What is Google Cloud?
      • Google Cloud circa 2021
      • What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?
      • Google Cloud Products (Services)
      • GCP at a Glance
      • What is a GCP Project?
      • Identifying a Project
      • Billing and Projects
      • Creating a Project in Cloud Console
      • Ways to Interact with Google Cloud
      • Cloud Shell
      • Location of the Cloud Shell Icon in the Cloud Console
      • The gcloud CLI Tool
      • Google Cloud Service Categories
      • Google Cloud Console Navigation Menu Options
      • Computing Options
      • Compute Capabilities
      • Storage and Databases
      • Networking
      • Points of Presence (POPs)
      • The Google Cloud POPs Locations
      • Big Data
      • Cloud AI
      • Management Tools
      • Identity & Security
      • IoT (the Internet of Things)
      • The API Platform
      • Other Cloud Provider Services Comparison Chart
      • Regions and Zones
      • Setting the Default Compute Zone Using gcloud
      • Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources
      • Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources Relationship Diagram
    • Identity and Access Management in GCP
      • What is Cloud Identity and Access Management ( IAM)?
      • Cloud Resource Hierarchy
      • Sample Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy
      • IAM Operations
      • Get and Set the Project ID with the gcloud CLI Tool
      • Cloud Identity
      • The IAM Nomenclature
      • How IAM Works
      • IAM Roles
      • IAM Permissions for a Project
      • Permission Management in IAM Diagram
      • Google Account vs Service Account
      • Google Groups
    • Google Cloud Virtual Networking
      • GCP Virtual Networking
      • GCP Networking Services and Components at a Glance
      • VPC Main Components Diagram
      • Network Service Tiers
      • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Network
      • App Engine vs Compute Engine Networking
      • Network and Subnet Terminology
      • CIDR Network Notation
      • A Basic Cross-Region VPC Network
      • Legacy Networks
      • Listing Networks
      • Viewing Network Details
      • Projects and VPC Relationship
      • VPC Specifications
      • Types of VPC Networks
      • Considerations for Auto-mode VPC Networks
      • Considerations for Custom-mode VPC Networks
      • Virtual Firewalls
      • Firewall Rules
      • Firewall Rule Elements (Components)
      • Ingress (Inbound) Firewall Rules
      • Egress (Outbound) Rules
      • Authoring Firewall Rules
      • Setting a Default Compute Zone with gcloud
      • A Firewall Rules Example
      • Protocol and Destination Port Specification Combinations
      • GKE Firewall Rules
      • Routes
      • Route Categories (Types)
      • Configuring Private Google Access
      • The Implementation of Private Google Access Diagram
      • Cloud NAT
      • Traditional NAT vs Cloud NAT
      • Automated Network Deployment
      • IP Addresses
      • Google Cloud Load Balancing
      • Google Cloud Load Balancing Features
    • GCP Virtual Machines
      • What is Google Compute Engine?
      • Machine Images
      • Image Types
      • Image Prices
      • Getting a List of Public Images
      • VM Instances
      • Cloud Console: the VM Page
      • Cloud Console: The Machine Configuration Page
      • Instance Types
      • Understanding Machine Types
      • General-purpose Machine Types
      • Shared-Core Machine Types
      • Specialized Machine Types
      • Which Machine Type to Choose for Which Workload?
      • Creating a VM Instance with gcloud
      • Connecting to a Windows VM
      • Connecting to a Linux VM
      • Persistent Disks
      • HDD and SSD Disk Types
      • Data Sources for Creating Persistent Disks
      • Resizing Disks
      • The Multi-Reader Mounting Disk Feature
      • Disk Pricing
      • Snapshots
      • How Incremental Snapshots Work
      • Snapshots and Billing
      • VM Import
      • The VM Billing Model
      • Committed Use Contracts Discounts
      • Reserving Compute Engine Zonal Resources
      • Creating a Reservation with gcloud
      • Sole-tenant Nodes
      • Billing and Discounts
    • Google Cloud Platform Container Services
      • What are Containers?
      • What are Containers For?
      • What are Container Services?
      • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
      • GKE Components
      • The Benefits of Using Kubernetes Clusters
      • The CLI Tools
      • Creating a GKE Cluster with the gcloud CLI
      • Deploying a Containerized App with the kubectl CLI
      • Container-Optimized VM Images
      • What is Anthos?
      • Anthos Deployment Options
    • App Engine
      • What is Google App Engine?
      • Benefits of Using App Engine
      • App Engine Integrations
      • App Engine Security
      • Sample Reference Architecture for a Typical App Engine Web App
      • App Engine Environments
      • Comparing the Environments
      • Flexible Environment vs Compute Engine
      • Running Two Versions of the Same App Engine-Hosted App
      • Accessing Split Traffic in App Engine Dashboard
      • Configuring Traffic Splitting
      • Cloud Endpoints
      • Endpoint Architecture
    • Chapter 7. Google Cloud Platform Storage and Database Services
      • Storage and Databases
      • Cloud (Object) Storage
      • Key Concepts of the Cloud Storage
      • Cloud Storage Features
      • Cloud Storage Classes
      • Cloud Storage Object Encryption
      • Object Lifetime Management (OLM)
      • Object Change Notifications
      • Cloud Storage Use Case: Integrated Repository for Analytics and Machine Learning
      • Cloud Bigtable
      • Bigtable High-Level Design
      • Bigtable Use Cases
      • The cbt Command-line Tool
      • BigQuery
      • BigQuery Data Source Integrations
      • Accessing BigQuery Console
      • BigQuery Features
      • BigQuery Use Case: Migrating Data from Teradata
      • Standing Up Custom Cost Controls for BigQuery
      • Cloud SQL
      • Accessing the Cloud SQL Navigation Menu Option
      • Cloud SQL Features
      • Creating a MySQL Database Instance Dialog
      • Connecting to Your MySQL Database Instance Using gcloud
      • Cloud SQL Use Case: Multi-Zone Containerized App
      • Cloud Spanner
      • Datastore and Firestore
      • Firestore Features
    • Google Cloud Platform Resource Management
      • Describe The Cloud Resource Manager Hierarchy
      • A Simplified Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy Diagram
      • An Extended Google Cloud Resource Hierarchy Diagram
      • Creating a Project Programmatically with gcloud
      • Creating a Project with Web API
      • Resource Manager Features and Components
      • Quotas and Capacity Planning
      • Understanding Quotas
      • Getting Quotas Using gcloud ( Alpha)
      • Understanding Resource Labels
      • Common Uses of Labels
      • Creating a Label with the Resource Manager API
      • Budget Alerts
      • Budget Alerts Diagram
      • Creating a Budget
      • The Budget API
      • Setting Up Alert Threshold Rules in the Cloud Console
    • Resource Monitoring in Google Cloud Platform
      • Cloud Monitoring Terminology
      • Google Cloud Monitoring
      • Google Cloud Management Tools at a Glance
      • Accessing the Monitoring Workspace
      • Cloud Monitoring UI
      • Creating an Uptime Check
      • Monitoring Compute Engine VM
      • GCP Management Tools
      • GCP Operations Suite (formerly Stackdriver)
      • Operations Suite Key Features
      • Cloud Deployment Manager
      • Instance Templates
    • Interconnecting Networks in GCP
      • Google Network Infrastructure
      • Google Cloud Interconnect
      • Connecting to (Peering With) Google Workspace and Google APIs
      • Direct Peering
      • Direct Peering vs Cloud Interconnect
      • Carrier Peering vs Cloud Interconnect
      • Cloud VPN
      • Shared VPC
      • Stand-Alone Projects and VPCs
      • The Benefits of the Shared VPC Model
      • Shared VPC Diagram
      • Resources Eligible to Participate in Shared VPC
    • Load Balancing and Autoscaling in GCP
      • Why Do I Need Load Balancing?
      • Load Balancing Diagram
      • Balancing Modes
      • Google Cloud Load Balancing
      • Support for IPv6
      • Load Balancer Types
      • Google Cloud Load Balancing Features
      • Types of Google Cloud Load Balancing Chart
      • Global vs Regional Load Balancing
      • Servicing both IPv6 and IPv4 Clients
      • Servicing both IPv6 and IPv4 Clients Diagram
      • Understanding IPv6 Termination in Your Load Balancer
      • The IPv6 to IPv4 Translation Diagram
      • Choosing the Load Balancer You Need
      • The Load Balancer Selection Flow Chart
      • Load Balancing and Autoscaling for Instance Groups
      • How Autoscaling Signals are Handled
      • HTTP(S) Load Balancing Diagram
      • Basic Autoscaling Requirements
    • Deployment Automation in GCP
      • Cloud Deployment Manager
      • Deployment Manager Core Components
      • Resources
      • Configuration Example
      • Instance Templates
      • Creating (Instantiating) a Deployment
      • Listing Deployments
      • Using Terraform with Google Cloud
    • Lab Exercises
      • Lab 1. Qwiklabs
      • Lab 2. Using BigQuery
  • Getting started with Google Kubernetes Engine
    • Google Cloud Overview
      • What is Google Cloud?
      • Google Cloud circa 2021
      • What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?
      • Google Cloud Products (Services)
      • GCP at a Glance
      • What is a GCP Project?
      • Identifying a Project
      • Billing and Projects
      • Creating a Project in Cloud Console
      • Ways to Interact with Google Cloud
      • Cloud Shell
      • Location of the Cloud Shell Icon in the Cloud Console
      • The gcloud CLI Tool
      • Google Cloud Service Categories
      • Google Cloud Console Navigation Menu Options
      • Computing Options
      • Compute Capabilities
      • Regions and Zones
      • Setting the Default Compute Zone Using gcloud
      • Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources
      • Global, Regional, and Zonal Resources Relationship Diagram
    • Cloud Build Service
      • What is Cloud Build Service?
      • Container-Optimized VM Images
      • Google Container Registry
      • Building a Docker Image with Cloud Build
      • Building a Docker Image Using a Build Config File
      • Viewing the Build Details
      • Storing Images in Container Registry
    • Introduction to Kubernetes
      • What is Kubernetes?
      • Container Orchestration
      • Kubernetes Architecture
      • Main Components
      • Kubernetes Cluster
      • Clusters and Namespaces
      • Master Node
      • Nodes
      • Interacting with Kubernetes
      • Pods
      • Using Pods to Group Containers
      • Label
      • Label Selector
      • Replication Controller and Replica Set
      • Service
      • Storage Volume
      • Secret
      • Resource Quota
      • Authentication and Authorization
      • Routing
      • Docker Registry
    • Using the kubectl CLI Tool
      • Google Cloud CLI Tools
      • Overview of kubectl
      • Trying Out Kubernetes and kubectl
      • Documentation
      • The kubectl Command Syntax
      • Sample Commands (Operations)
      • Commands for Scaling Resources
      • Commands for Deleting Resources
      • Interacting with Running Pods
      • Deployment Commands
    • Google Cloud Platform Container Services
      • What are Containers?
      • What are Containers For?
      • What are Container Services?
      • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
      • The CLI Tools
      • Container-Optimized VM Images
      • GKE Main Components
      • The Benefits of Using Google Kubernetes Clusters
      • Standard GKE Cluster Architecture
      • The Control Plane
      • Kubernetes API Server
      • Google Container Registry
      • Creating a GKE Cluster with the gcloud CLI
      • Deploying a Containerized App with the kubectl CLI
      • What is Anthos?
      • Anthos Deployment Options
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 12 - 16, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 2 - 6, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 16 - 20, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,620
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 21 - 25, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET