
React JavaScript Programming Training

This ReactJS course will introduce the benefits of the React JavaScript framework so that participants can quickly develop applications using the framework.

Course Details


3 days


Attendees for this React training must be proficient developers in modern JavaScript and have some understanding of HTML, CSS, and Ajax.

Target Audience

Existing programmers preparing to develop and - or support front-end web applications written in React.

Skills Gained

  • Understand the programming model provided by the React framework
  • Define React components
  • Use the React framework to handle events and stateful data
Course Outline
  • Introduction
    • What is React?
    • What's in a Name?
    • React Component Model
    • What React Is Not
    • What You Will Not Find in React
    • Motivation for Creating React
    • A React JavaScript Example
    • One-Way Data Flow
    • JSX
    • A JSX Example
    • The Virtual (Mock) DOM
    • Only Sub-components that Actually Change are Re-Rendered
    • create-react-app
  • Basic Components and JSX
    • What is JSX?
    • JSX Transpilation to React Code Example
    • Running the Transpiled Code
    • Babel
    • Playing Around in CodePen
    • React Components
    • Creating a Functional Component Example
    • Component Names Must Be Capitalized
    • Components vs Elements
    • Elements Are Immutable
    • Properties
    • Property Naming Convention
    • Properties Default to 'True'
    • Spread Attributes (an ES6 Feature)
    • Expressions
    • Fragments
  • React Functional Component Concepts
    • Functional Components
    • Nesting JSX Elements
    • Example of JSX Nesting
    • Comments in JSX Code
    • Setting CSS Styles Using Classes
    • Setting CSS Styles Directly
    • JSX Escapes Values
    • Working with Lists of Items
    • Keys in Lists
    • Example List With Key
    • State
    • Types of State Data
    • State Hierarchy
    • Lifting State Up
    • Props vs. State
    • Pass Down a Function
    • Immutability
    • Immutability – Why?
    • Virtual DOM and State
    • Setting state
    • Updating Input fields
    • Passing Props to Components
    • Passing Functions to Components
    • Event Handling
    • Event Handler Example
    • Event Binding - DOs
    • Event Binding – Don'ts
    • Passing Parameters to Event Handlers
    • Component Life-cycle
    • Life-cycle in Functional Components
    • App Development Workflow
  • React Router
    • Routing and Navigation
    • react-router
    • Creating a react-router based project
    • A Basic Routed Component
    • Router vs. BrowserRouter
    • The Route component
    • Redirect Route
    • Navigating with
    • Navigating with
    • Route Parameters
    • Retrieving Route Parameters
    • QueryString Parameters
    • Using Router with Redux
  • State Management for React
    • React State Basics – Props and State
    • Props
    • State in Class Based Components
    • Managing State with Hooks in Functional Components
    • The Problem with Props and State
    • Redux State Library
    • Redux Advantages
    • Redux Disadvantages
    • Basic Rules for State Management
    • Types of State
    • Data State
    • Communication State
    • Control State
    • Session State
    • Location State
    • Location State Side Effects
  • Building React Apps with Redux
    • Redux
    • Redux Terminology
    • Redux Principles
    • Redux: Actions
    • Redux Action Types
    • Action Creators
    • Dispatching Actions
    • Data Flow Basics
    • Redux Reducers
    • Pure Functions
    • Reducer Example
    • Returning Default State
    • Creating a Development Environment with create-react-app
    • Using Redux with React
    • Initializing the Store
    • Immutability
    • Benefits of Immutable State
    • Mutability of Standard types
    • Copying Objects in JavaScript
    • Copying Arrays in JavaScript
    • One Store - Multiple Reducers
    • Combining Reducers
    • Components and Redux
    • The React-Redux Package
    • Wrapping App with Provider
    • mapStateToProps
    • mapDispatchToProps
    • Using Mapped Properties and Methods
    • Wrapping Components with Connect
    • Configure Store
    • Programming Advice - MultiTab Console
  • Using React Hooks
    • Functional Component Shortcomings
    • Hooks Overview
    • Hook Rules
    • React Linter Example
    • Functional Component Props
    • The useState Hook
    • Functional Component using the useState hook
    • useState with Multiple Variables
    • useState can also be used with Objects
    • The useEffect Hook
    • useEffect Hook Example
    • Using useEffect Hook to Load Data
    • Restricting when useEffect is Called
    • The useContext Hook
    • Additional Hooks
    • The useReducer Hook
    • An Example Reducer Function
    • Calling and Using useReducer
    • The useMemo Hook
    • useMemo Example
    • The useCallback Hook
    • useCallback Example
    • The useRef Hook
    • Using useRef to Hold Values
    • The useImperativeHandle Hook
    • useImperativeHandle Hook Example
    • The useLayoutEffect Hook
  • Creating Custom React Hooks
    • Custom Hooks
    • Custom Message Hook
    • Using the Custom Message Hook
    • A Custom useList Hook
    • Using the useList Custom Hook
    • The built-in useDebugValue Hook
    • Viewing the Effect of the useDebugValue Hook
  • Unit Testing React with React Testing Library
    • React Testing Framework
    • Features
    • Snapshot Testing
    • Code Coverage
    • Interactive Mode
    • Projects created with create-react-app
    • Default App Component Test
    • Unit Tests
    • Anatomy of a Unit Test
    • Common Matchers
    • Combining Tests
    • Running Tests
    • Testing Promise based async code with 'done'
    • Setup and Teardown
    • react-testing-library
    • A Simple Component Test
    • A Simple Snapshot Test
    • Running and Updating SnapShot Tests
    • Building Component Tests
    • Calling Render
    • Render Properties
    • Simulating Events
    • Testing Results
    • Using Query Functions
    • Text Matching
    • Counter Component
    • counter-test.js
  • Exception Handling in JavaScript [OPTIONAL]
    • Exception Handling
    • Try Syntax
    • The Finally Block
    • The Nested Try Blocks
    • Exceptions Types in JavaScript
    • The Throw Statement
    • Using the Error Object
  • Web Storage, Web SQL, and IndexedDB [OPTIONAL]
    • Data Storage
    • Data Storage Options
    • Web Storage
    • Web Storage Programming Interface
    • Web Storage Examples
    • Storing JavaScript Objects
    • IndexedDB
    • IndexedDB Terminology
    • Getting indexedDB Objects
    • Opening a Database
    • Creating an Object Store
    • Inserting a Record
    • Retrieving a Record
  • Asynchronous Programming with Promises [OPTIONAL]
    • The Problems with Callbacks
    • Introduction to Promises
    • Requirements for Using Promises
    • Creating Promises Manually
    • Calling the Promise-based Function
    • Making APIs that support both callbacks and promises
    • Using APIs that support both callbacks and promises
    • Chaining then Method / Returning a Value or a Promise from then Method
    • Promisifying Callbacks with Bluebird
    • Using Bluebird
    • Bluebird – List of Useful Functions
    • Benefit of using Bluebird over ES6 for Promisification
    • Error Handling in Promise-based asynchronous functions
  • Lab Exercises
    • Lab 1. Setting Up a React Development Environment
    • Lab 2. Basic React Components
    • Lab 3. More React Component Concepts
    • Lab 4. React Router Application
    • Lab 5. React Redux Application
    • Lab 6. React Hooks Application
    • Lab 7. React Custom Hooks
    • Lab 8. Unit Testing with Jest
    • Lab 9. Course Project - React App Using Hooks
    • Lab 10. Exception Handling in JavaScript [OPTIONAL]
    • Lab 11. Asynchronous Programming with Promises [OPTIONAL]
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Nov 18 - 20, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Dec 30 - Jan 1, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Feb 10 - 12, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Mar 24 - 26, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: May 5 - 7, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Jun 16 - 18, 2025
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET