
Fundamentals of Linux Training

This Linux course teaches the basic working environment of a Linux system. It introduces commonly required operations that can be performed by entering commands interactively in a command terminal, along with functions available in the GNOME Desktop Environment. This course applies to all current variants of Linux.

Course Details


3 days

Skills Gained

Use Linux Bash Shell techniques and commands to maintain collections of files, create files using interactive editor utilities, create and execute basic command procedures, communicate with other users, and tailor the interactive environment to meet their needs.
Course Outline
  • Understanding the User Environment
    • Linux System Overview
    • Process Concepts
    • The Graphical Environment GUI (GNOME)
    • Using GUI remotely
    • Customizing the Graphical Environments
  • Getting Started with the Command Language
    • Logging Into a Linux System
    • Bash Shell Syntax Rules
    • Command Line Editing
    • Controlling shell history
    • Shell environment variables
    • Basic Network Operations
  • Managing Files
    • File Specification Syntax
    • Device Specifications
    • Directory Specifications
    • Regular Expressions and Special Characters
    • Linux Commands to Manipulate Files
    • File Protection Mechanisms
  • Creating and Editing Text Files: Part 1
    • Using GUI-based editors (gedit)
    • vim Editor
    • ex Editor (commands within vim)
  • Creating and Editing Text Files: Part 2
    • Advanced Features of the vim Editor
    • abbreviations
    • mapping keys
  • Improving the User Interface
    • Creating Command Aliases
    • Redirection of Input and Output
    • Using Hard and Symbolic Links
    • Process Control Commands
  • Shell Script Procedures
    • Rules for Creating Procedures
    • The .bashrc Procedure
  • Print and Batch Mechanisms
    • The lp Command and options
    • The at Command and options
  • User Level Tape Operations
    • tar utility syntax
    • tar commands for product access
    • Using compression/uncompression commands
    • compress / uncompress
    • gzip / gunzip
  • Writing Bash Shell Scripts
    • Bash Shell environment variables
    • User-defined variables
    • Substitution of variables       
    • Command substitution in variables
    • Decision Statements
    • Looping statement constructs   
    • Formatting variable values for output (printf)
    • typesetting integer variables
    • Generating menus and processing with case
    • using and defining functions
    • accessing files' records directly with exec
    • special parameter/variable substitutions
    • defining and using indexed arrays
  • Writing Korn Shell Scripts
    • Need for Korn shell scripts
    • Accessing variables outside of loops
    • defining and using associative arrays
  • Introduction to Perl and Python
    • Perl / Python language and scripting background
    • Comparison of Shell and Perl / Python Features
    • Case Study