
Java for Web Development using Struts 2 Training

This course will you teach you how to develop Web Applications using Struts 2 framework and some introduction to web security.
Course Details


5 days


3 years Java programming experience with Servlets, JSP, Custom tags, JSTL, or after taking WA1278.
Course Outline
  • Introduction to Struts 2 Framework
    • Introduction
    • What is a Framework?
    • Struts 2 Overview
    • Struts 2 Implementation of MVC
    • Processing Request
    • Model – Action
    • View – Result
    • Interceptors
    • Exception Handling
    • The ValueStack and ONGL
    • Advantages of Struts 2
    • Struts 2 vs. Struts 1
  • Struts 2 Architecture
    • Two Ways of Declaring Architecture
    • Declarative Architecture
    • XML Based Declarative Architecture
    • The struts.xml file
    • The struts.xml file – include tag
    • The struts.xml file – package tag
    • Actions
    • Actions –Single Result
    • Actions –Multiple Results
    • Request and Form Data
    • Accessing Business Services
    • Accessing Data from the Action
    • Value Stack
  • Struts Configuration File
    • The struts.xml File (package element)
    • Package Inheritance
    • The struts.xml File (include element)
    • The struts.xml File (action element)
    • The struts.xml File (result element)
    • The global-results Elements
    • Results
    • Namespace Configuration
    • Namespace Example
    • The interceptor-related Elements
  • Action Classes
    • Action
    • What Does an Action Do?
    • Encapsulates Interaction with the Model
    • Provides Locus for Data Transfer
    • Returns Control String for Result Routing
    • Packaging Your Actions
    • Implementing Action class
    • ActionSupport Class
    • ActionSupport Class validate method
    • Using Resource Bundles
    • Accessing Resources
    • Aware Interface
    • ServletContextAware Interface
    • ServletRequestAware Interface
    • SessionAware Interface
    • ServletResponseAware Interface
  • The Persistence Layer
    • JDBC
    • Overview of JDBC
    • Connecting to the DataBase
    • Submitting the SQL statements
    • Retrieving and processing data
    • DB_Action Class
    • Data Access Object
    • Hibernate
    • Architecture Of Hibernate
    • Creating Persistent Java Objects
    • Mapping Persistent Object
    • Hibernate Configuration File
    • Inserting new record
    • Querying the database
  • The Interceptors
    • Overview
    • Invocation of an Action
    • ActionInvocation Class
    • Built-in Struts 2 interceptors
    • Configuring Interceptors (struts.xml)
    • Setting and Overriding Parameters
    • Interceptor Interface
    • Create Your Own  Interceptor
  • Type Conversion
    • Introduction
    • Build in Converters
    • Primitives And Wrapper Classes
    • Customizing Error Messages
    • Custom Type Converters
    • Configuring the framework
    • Global Type Converters
  • OGNL and Tags Library
    • Introduction
    • OGNL and Struts 2
    • The Value Stack
    • The ActionContext
    • Expression Language
    • Reading Value Stack Object Properties
    • Selecting The Root Object For OGNL
    • ValueStack Details
    • Working with List and Array
    • Working with Map
    • Invoking a Method
    • An overview of Struts tags
    • Using OGNL to Set Attributes on Tags
    • The property tag
    • The set tag
    • bean Tag
    • UI Struts Tag Library
    • UI Input Tags
    • The Form Tag
    • The textfield, password Tags
    • The submit Tag
    • The reset Tag
    • The checkbox Tag
    • Non UI (Generic) Tags
    • if Tag
    • iterator Tag
  • Validation Framework
    • Using a Validator
    • Validator Configuration
    • Validator Configuration (param)
    • Strurs Build-in Validators
    • Date validator
    • double Validator
    • requiredstring Validator
    • Writing a Custom Validator
  • Internationalization
    • Java Support for I18n
    • Struts 2 Support of i18n
    • Request_locale Parameter
  • Inversion of Control
    • Dependencies
    • Injecting Dependencies 
    • Setter Injection
    • Problem Description
    • Adding Spring to Struts 2
    • Web.xml
    • applicationContext.xml
    • struts.xml After Integration
  • Advanced Topics
    • Alternative Method Invocation
    • Wildcard Method
    • Dynamic Method Invocation
  • Securing Struts 2 Applications
    • How Web Security Works
    • Security Definitions
    • The Four Checks
    • Filters
    • FilterToBeanProxy
    • FilterChainProxy
    • Configuration
    • The Filter Chain
    • AuthenticationProcessingFilter
    • The HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter
    • The ExceptionTranslationFilter
    • FilterSecurityInterceptor
    • AuthenticationManager
    • AccessDecisionManager
    • AuthenticationEntryPoint
    • Securing Web Resources
    • Securing Method Invocation
    • View-layer security
Upcoming Course Dates
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 19 - 23, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Aug 26 - 30, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Sep 16 - 20, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Oct 7 - 11, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET
USD $2,090
Online Virtual Class
Date: Nov 4 - 8, 2024
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM ET