VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage [V1.5] Training

During this three-day course, you focus on installing VMware Tanzu® Kubernetes Grid™ on a VMware vSphere® environment and then provisioning and managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters. The course covers how to install Tanzu Kubernetes Grid packages for image registry, authentication, logging, ingress, multi-pod network interfaces, service discovery, and monitoring. The concepts learned in this course are transferable for users who must install Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on other supported clouds.
Course Details


3 days


  • Understanding of Kubernetes and the Kubernetes cluster architecture
  • Experience deploying and managing multiple Kubernetes clusters

Target Audience

Platform operators who are responsible for deploying and managing Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.

Skills Gained

  • Describe how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid fits in the VMware Tanzu® portfolio
  • Describe the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid architecture
  • Deploy and manage Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management and supervisor clusters
  • Deploy and manage Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload clusters
  • Deploy, configure, and manage Tanzu Kubernetes Grid packages
  • Perform basic troubleshooting
Course Outline
  • Introducing VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
    • Identify the VMware Tanzu products responsible for Kubernetes life cycle management and describe the main differences between them
    • Explain the core concepts of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, including bootstrap, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management and workload clusters, and the role of Cluster API
    • List the components of a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instance
    • Illustrate how to use the Tanzu CLI
    • Identify the requirements for a bootstrap machine
    • Define the Carvel Tool set
    • Define Cluster API
    • Identify the infrastructure providers
    • List the Cluster API controllers
    • Identify the Cluster API Custom Resource Definitions
  • Management Clusters
    • List the requirements for deploying a management cluster
    • Differentiate between deploying on vSphere 6.7 Update 3 and vSphere 7
    • Describe the components of NSX Advanced Load Balancer
    • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid integrates with NSX Advanced Load Balancer
    • Explain how Kubernetes manages authentication
    • Define Pinniped
    • Define Dex
    • Describe the Pinniped authentication workflow
    • List the steps to install a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster
    • Summarize the events of a management cluster creation
    • Demonstrate how to use commands when working with management clusters
  • Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters
    • List the steps to build a custom image
    • Describe the available customizations
    • Identify the options for deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters
    • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters are created
    • Discuss which VMs make up a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
    • List the pods that run on a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster
    • Describe the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid core add-ons that are installed on a cluster
  • Configuring and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Instances
    • Define the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid packages
    • Describe the Harbor Image Registry
    • Define Fluent Bit
    • Identify the logs that Fluent Bit collects
    • Explain basic Fluent Bit configuration
    • Describe the Contour ingress controller
    • Demonstrate how to install Contour on a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
    • Demonstrate how to install Service Discovery with ExternalDNS.
    • Define Multus CNI
    • Define Prometheus
    • Define Grafana
  • Troubleshooting
    • Discuss the various Tanzu Kubernetes Grid logs
    • Identify the location of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid logs
    • Explain the purpose of crash diagnostics
    • Demonstrate how to use SSH to connect to a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid VM
    • Describe the steps for troubleshooting a failed cluster deployment