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Agile using Azure Boards & Azure DevOps in 2023

Recorded: June 15, 2023
Duration: 1 Hour
Presenter: Faheem Javed
Categories: Agile , Azure , DevOps , Microsoft

Discover how the Agile methodology, Azure Boards, and Azure DevOps can be tightly integrated to help teams to work more efficiently and effectively!

Agile project planning is a project management methodology that emphasizes flexibility and adaptability in software development. It involves breaking down a project into smaller, more manageable pieces called iterations.

Azure Boards is a standalone service within the Azure DevOps suite that helps teams plan, track, and discuss work across the entire software development process the agile way. It provides interactive and customized tools for software development teams to manage their projects.

Azure DevOps supports a collaborative culture and set of processes that bring together developers, project managers, and contributors to develop software. It allows organizations to create and improve products at a faster pace than they could with traditional software development approaches.

In this one-hour webinar, attendees learn how to:

  • Use Azure Boards to manage projects the Agile way, including Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog planning
  • Use Azure Repos as an SCM solution on Azure
  • Implement Continuous Integration using Azure Repos and Pipelines
  • Implement Continuous Delivery/Deployment using Delivery Pipelines
  • Work with Test plans

At the conclusion, Faheem will welcome your questions.


Familiarity with applications in the Microsoft 365 collaboration suite, including SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams.

Duration: 60 minutes

Cost: Free!

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